Monday, December 3, 2012

The Elf's Busted Out

Rich, the Elf on the Shelf, couldn't wait to come out.

Our elf, Rich, escaped on Thanksgiving night and has been flying (yes, flying) around our home at night. This mischievous elf, whose box is a transporter to the North Pole, is running out of places to hide and has challenged my husband and I to be creative. We're having fun with it and expect this will be the last year that our son believes in Rich's magic. Santa's, too.

Our arbolito absent a half-dozen ornaments destroyed by our dog, Albert.

It's this time of year that I miss my mom and our family's large holiday gatherings. Thankfully, I'll get to spend Christmas with her in California, something I haven't done in years. I'll appreciate the time we have together, because not having her here to speak Spanish with or to hover over while she cooks has finally caught up with me. As much as I miss her, I know that my son misses her ten times more.

This being our first holiday with a dog has yielded more than it's fair share of surprises ... like its obsession with the tree. Hello -- shiny objects. Duh. The dog has meticulously picked off any ornament within its reach, leaving my son terrified at the thought of it finding his elf. Seems the poodle side of this canine is dominant because he's not only sneaky, but smart, having learned how to open a kitchen barrel that's supposed to only open by a foot lever, which was the reason we bought it.

Leo Tolstoy's ANNA KARENINA. Love this cover with the violets!

I haven't been online much the last couple weeks, spending most of my free time reading Anna Karenina before watching the new film. Turns out I like Tolstoy and am considering rereading Les Misérables, before seeing that movie, too. We'll see if time allows it. Maybe I'll read it on the plane.

Now to figure out how to transport our elf to California without taking away its magic. :-)


  1. Ezzy!!! Cuanto tiempo sin verte! (O mas bien, LEERte! LOL) I LOVE the new look and header. :)

    Your tree is beautiful and your dog is precious, but I can't get over how big your son looks in the photo.

    We don't have an Elf on the Shelf, but I think it's a fun and cute tradition.

    1. Leslie! I'm having a hard time keeping up with my son. *lol* You know, he's at that age where he says the funniest things. Turns out he's got a quirky personality (like his mama). Y el perro condenado me vuelve LOCA. I'm glad you like the new header. :-) Thank you, Amiga. How've you been???

  2. I did not know about the tradition of the elf. Cute. You can't even tell that your tree is missing 6 ornaments, it looks very nice. Were in CA? I would love to see you if possible but might be challenging around xmas celebrations. Still, let me know when and what dates you will be in CA. Love you.

    1. Sofia, I'll let you know when I get there. Will be mostly in Orange County and LA, some in Ontario and San Diego, and if time allows, a day-trip to Santa Barbara. It would be great to see you! Te extraño. <3

  3. The stories you tell about that dog are hilarious. I'm looking forward to see how you get creative with the creepy little elf. lol

    Sounds like your Christmas with the family is going to be lots of fun. Wishing safe travels and lots of funtime with your fam.

    1. Letty, I wish I were making the stuff up. This morning I had to move the Christmas tree all in one piece into my son's toy room and barricade the entrance so the evil one can't get in. Will keep you posted on my California antics. <3

    2. lmao Girl you better put that doggie in his place. You are the pack leader. ;)

    3. I'm trying! I'm trying! I might need your Princesa to whip him into shape. :p

  4. you make me want a dog. lol
    i need to get into the elf on a shelf fun.

    1. Aw, thank you. Think long and hard before you do get one, if you decide to go that route (and stay away from poodles). Don't get me wrong, we love him, but these puppy months have been like having a toddler all over again. You need eyes behind your head. :-)

  5. I love how voracious a reader you are. I miss it and need to make more time for it. Maybe you'll inspire me :)

    1. Maribel, books are the only thing that relax me these days. I'd go nuts without them for sure. Hey, start small, maybe a chapter a day. Before you know it, you'll be done. :-)

  6. Ok I totally have to get with the whole elf on the shelf tradition...still have no love your tree, your dog is cute, sorry about the ornaments :) and I couldn't live so far from my Momma :(

    1. Thank you, Connie. I need to get my mom on Skype or something because the absences are getting more difficult for me the older she gets. Yes, definitely get the elf. You'll make a lot of funny memories with it. :-)

  7. Oh amiga I wish I could get into the elf thing but I just can't find myself doing all those crazy things and the idea of having an elf in the house is scary! lol that's just me.
    I can't believe Albert what a funny pup I am sure he is making this holiday extra eventful!
    I love your tree either way! I haven't even got ours out of the box it's been crazy.
    I am totally jealous but so excited for you to be in cali for the holiday! I hope you share lots of pics with us!!!

    1. Ruby, thank you. I wish you were going to be out there at the same time. You know the places I'll be going. Will be sure to post and send pictures of my pan dulce. About the elf, so many people have said he looks creepy. I hesitate, now, every time I pick him up! Abrazos, Amiga.

  8. This is our first year doing the elf thing. I love it so much so far. It's so exciting to see my daughter light up each morning.

    Maybe you could mail the little guy ahead of you, and have your mother help you. That would be amazing for your little guy.

    1. I agree. The look on their little faces when they find him is the best part. It's fun that the tradition evolves every year (and the lies get more elaborate). The elf is definitely coming with us. Thinking of wrapping him in a "blanket" and placing him the suitcase. Although, now what if the suitcase gets lost? Crap. I guess he's going to have to go in the carry on. o_O

  9. love your tree so much mine is not bought or up yet.

  10. How adorable! The tree, the elf, the dog, and your son! Perfection! The book is beautiful too!

  11. The return of the Elf! Glad Junior still believes in the magic. I am not sure about that in my house this youngest is falling prey to the jaded views of her older siblings. I remember my childhood dog thinking that our tree was just like the ones outside: he'd lift his leg at every opportunity! Mom could've killed him. And in college/young adulthood I had cats who thought the tree was their own very special cat toy. As soon as the tree went up, they'd start batting the ornaments down one by one. You'll have your hands full with Albert the paper monster when you put all the wrapped gifts under there! Good luck, amiga :-D and happy holidays!

  12. OMG. I'd lose it if our dog peed on the tree. Ever since I moved it into the toy room, it's been out-of-reach and Albert sits on the other side of the barricade whining. Can you say, "Torture?" lol

  13. I'm smiling at memories of our Christmases with many dogs. I sat the tree in the middle of a wooden playpen one year. And another year I put up a wire exercise pen around it. We have Shelties and Labs... also smart and trainable like poodles. Fortunately, like with our young children, it only took a few determined training sessions to convince them the tree is a "look but don't touch" item. A spray water bottle is a handy disciplinary tool! Good luck!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Careann! Would love to hear more about what a determined training session would look like. If only Albert weren't a "water" dog. He'd be jumping into the water spurts trying to catch them with his mouth. *lol*

  14. Ezzy I've missed you!! So glad you're going to see your mom and your son still worries about the elf- THIS is what it's all about. The memories and love make it all worth it. Wishing you wonderful new memories during your visit and lots of love always. BB2U


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