Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Mama Lost Her Baby Boy: #MillionHoodies March NYC for Trayvon Martin

A Mama Lost Her Baby Boy

By Ezzy G. Languzzi

A mama lost her baby boy
baby boy
baby boy

A mama lost her baby boy
He's never coming back

A mama lost her baby boy
baby boy
baby boy

A mama lost her baby boy
Simply cuz he's Black

He'll never finish high school
He'll never see his friends
He'll never go to college
Cuz someone shot a hole in him

If there's any kind of lesson here
I'll tell you what it is
Don't buy your son a hoodie
Lest he end up dead

MIERCOLES MUDO: Una Pegatina de Parachoques | A Bumper Sticker

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pencils: I Dreamt of You Last Night

                                             Source: via Lillian on Pinterest


by Ezzy G. Languzzi

An army of pencils
Surrounded my bed
Was it all just a dream?
Was it all in my head?
Unfurled like a carpet
A rainbow of colors
This army of pencils
Made way for the others

They invaded my thoughts
Permeated my being
Sharpened and crying,
We hear you breathing!

Oh, no you don't, I said.
You're no gift, but a curse
You come when you want
Go, now

In a stupor I battled
Weary and tired
Until I'd pushed every-single-last-one
Into a fire

Friday, March 16, 2012

Casi Llega Nuestro Perrito, Albert

Andamos aquí como que vamos a parir ... un bebé de cuatro patas y cubierto de "pelo."

No les he contado que decidimos comprarle un perrito a nuestro hijo. Dentro de una semana llega el mentado, Albert, un canino medio Caniche y medio Labradora. Mijo esta lleno de anticipación y cuenta los días en el calendario... y su papi y yo? Rezamos que el perro hypoalergénico sea un nuevo miembro en la familia.

Labradoodle puppies at 5 weeks
Haciendo fila!
Waiting in line.
Como no tiene hermanos, mijo necessita un amigo, un compañero. Tiene mucho pediendo un perro, "sabiendo" que esta alérjico a ellos. No le importa -- los ama. Tanto que tiene su cama inundada de perros de peluche, de todos colores y tamaños. Hasta tiene uno de pila que respira que mi mama le regaló antes de irse a California.

Necessito comenzar leer este libro
I need to start reading this book.
Nuestra situación esta un poco complicada. No se sí les he contando, pero mijo tiene varias alergias a la comida (huevos, leche, nueces, soya, rez ... )  y medioambientales (polen, moho ...) y tambien tiene asma. Hasta tuvimos que encontrarle comida al perro que no le hará daño a mijo en caso que el perro lo lambiera. ¡Que nervios! A pesar de todo, tenemos fe. Una voz me dice que todo va salir bien.

Ay les contare nuestras aventuras. No sabemos lo que nos espera. : )

(Me disculpo de no haber blogueado mucho las ultimas semanas, pero he estado un poco estresada con la escuela. Espero regresar pronto a un horario mas normal. Los extraño.)

Puppy Supplies
We're running around here as if we're getting ready to give birth ... to a four-legged baby covered with fur (well, actually, hair).

I haven't shared with you that we decided to buy our son a dog. Within a week, the dog known as "Albert," a Poodle-Labrador Retriever mix, arrives home. Our son is filled with anticipation and is counting the days on the calendar ... his dad and I? We're praying the hypoallergenic dog will be an addition to our family.

Since our son doesn't have any siblings, he needs a friend, a companion. He been asking for a dog for a while, "knowing" that he's allergic to them. He doesn't care -- he loves them. So much so, that his bed is inundated with stuffed dogs, all colors and sizes. He even has one that breathes and is  battery-operated that my mother gave him before leaving for California.

Our situation is a little complicated. I don't know if I've shared with you, but our son has several food (eggs, milk, nuts, soy, beef ... ) and environmental (pollen, mold ... ) allergies, in addition to asthma. We had to go as far as to find food for the dog that wouldn't harm our son in the event the dog licked him. Talk about nerves! In spite of all this, we have faith. A little voice is telling me everything with turn out fine.

Adventures to follow. : )

(I apologize for my irregular blogging the last few weeks, but I've been a little stressed-out with school. Finding peace in reading. I hope to return to a more regular schedule, soon. Miss you.)