Friday, April 15, 2011

Telenovela Amigas y Rivales

Mis padres nunca nos permitieron ver programas en español. Menos las telenovelas. Quizás fue por que querian que aprendiéramos el inglés lo más pronto posible. De todos modos, así nos acostumbramos.

Se pasaron los años, y quando mi mama se mudo de California, a vivir con nosotros en Massachusetts, se trajo con ella una maña pequeña y contagiosa. Como ya se habia retirado, ella tenia bastante tiempo en sus manos. Adivine como se pasaba el tiempo ... Si! Viendo telenovelas!

Ella fue la que me presento a la famosa AMIGAS Y RIVALES (2001). Solo me tomo ver un capitulo para hacerme adicta a esta historia de amor y vengaza. Todas las tardes, llegaba del trabajo preparada a descubrir que iba ocurrir en las vidas de estas cinco muchachas (Nayeli, Jimena, Ofelia, Tamara y Laura), cada una con sus propias tragedias. No me pude despegar de la pantalla hasta que se termino la serie televisiva.

Ahora, quando entro a la habitación de mi mama, tengo mucho cuidado. No me siento por mas de unos cuantos minutos. Tengo mi niño, mi marido, y mi torre de libros, todos buscando me. Quisiera tener el tiempo, por que las telenovelas son perfectas para practicar el español.

Pero es imposible ver solamente un capitulo!

Las que las ven, saben de lo que hablo. No se hagan que no. : )

¿Te vuelves loca por las telenovelas?
¿Qual es tu favorita? 


My parents never allowed us to watch Spanish programs. Least of all Spanish soap operas. Maybe it was because they wanted us to learn English, as quickly as possible. Regardless, that's what we got used to.

Years went by and when my mother moved from California to live with us in Massachusetts, she brought with her a contagious little habit. Since she'd retired, she had a lot of time on her hands. Guess how she spent it? Yup! Watching Mexican soap operas!

She's the one who introduced me to the famous FRIENDS AND RIVALS (2001). It only took one episode for me to become addicted to its story of love and revenge. Every afternoon, I'd come home from work ready to discover what was going to happen in the the lives of these five young women (Nayeli, Jimena, Ofelia, Tamara y Laura), each with her own tragedies. I wasn't able to come unglued from the TV until the series ended.

Now, whenever I go into my mom's apartment, I'm very careful. I don't sit for more than a few minutes. I have a son, husband, and tower of books, all calling out to me. I wish I had the time, since Mexican soap operas are perfect for practicing Spanish.

But it's impossible to watch just one episode!

Those of you who watch them know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pretend you don't. : )


  1. Ezzy!
    Amigas y Rivales fue mi primera novela y me ensenaba muchas palabras nuevas y si!!! tienes toda la razon porque ver las novelas es perfecta aprender y practicar el espanol!
    I'm now watching Teresa on Univision and am slowly becoming addicted. Last night I even caught my husband singing "Esa hembra es mala...." part of the theme song....LOL My new phrase for my hubby is "tienes que concentirme" (i think i'm writing it right, i'm guessing it's something like spoil me....) and all thanks to my new spanish novela!

    I enjoyed ur post!

  2. I went to school in Miami. My friends always told me I needed to watch the soap's with them so I could learn Spanish. :)

  3. Tara, that's too funny. What I didn't share is that I watched CARITA DE ANGEL at the same time. Imagine! Two hours a night, five days a week. It killed me to miss an episode. Last night, I sat with my mom for a few minutes (huge mistake), and watched the beginning of TERESA, you know the scene with la muchachita con el bikini amarillo [the girl in the yellow bikini]. I said to my mom, "Como la hacen larga!" [Boy, they know how it drag it out.] Sabes de lo que hablo, no? [You know what I'm talking about, right?] DYK, the entire series of AMIGAS Y RIVALES is available for purchase? : )

    Ciara, your friends were right! Watching telenovelas is a great way to keep up with, or learn Spanish. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to sit, listen and understand everything, even though I can't speak or write it perfectly. What I'd like is to fit some Spanish programming into my schedule. As it stands, the only three shows I watch on TV are the Vampire Diaries, Trueblood and The Walking Dead. Maybe I should be worried. *LOL*

  4. Sí! Soy fanatica de los Herederos del Monte :)

  5. LOL! La recuerdo también ... mi cuñada tiene esta programa en dvd! Lo cierto! Las telenovelas son la mejor manera de aprender español rápido y es divirtido mira los dramáticos! "Ay! Me falta aire!" ;) Great post hermana!

  6. Tracy, no conosco esa novela. [I'm not familiar with that soap opera]. Pero me gusta el nombre. [But I like the name.] I'm really enjoying working on these posts, by the way. ; ) Thank you, again! La tortuga saco su cabeza. [The turtle stuck it's head out.]

    Chantilly, do you know that I've been singing the song since I found the clip last week? Que contagiosa! [It's contagiou!] El DVD no es muy caro. Pienso comprar lo. [ The dvd isn't very expensive. I'm thinking of buying it.] ; D

  7. Ezzy,
    Yes, i know which scene you are talking about! Teresa is getting so good!!!! The guy she was with (Mauriano) is so handsome as well as "el profesor" and i'm all into it! Let me know if you start watching it!!
    I had no idea Amigas y Rivales was available for purchase! Well, i think Chantilly mentioned to me that you can purchase novelas from I plan on checking that out! Then i could watch them in a weekends time... (did that with "No hay paraiso sin tetas" because YES i know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to dragging them out.
    You know, right now Teresa is on for 2 hours a night! Not sure if this is a "new thing" since its been awhile since i've watched a novela or if it is due to Luna Eva ending and they are filling up the time slot.......
    At anyrate, I'm no good at night now that i'm involved in Teresa...LOL

  8. Tara, I wish. I like the idea of taping it for some weekend viewing. ; ) I used to do that with the Vampire Diaries, luckily that's only on once a week. As for Teresa, what little bit I saw was enough to get me hot under the collar. *LOL* That Mauriano is very handsome (needs a shave, though!).

  9. I've been curious about these shows any time I'm channel surfing. Maybe I would have watched them if there were subtitles.

    I haven't watched a soap in probably a decade. I'm glad, because I used to find them addictive.

  10. I know what you're talking about. When I was in college, my roommates would plan their schedules around DAYS OF OUR LIVES ... even then I kept my distance (I was a nerd *LOL*). Bet you've noticed, though, huge difference in style between American and Mexican soap operas, just channel surfing. Something I do try to make time for on the weekends is watching the Spanish news on Sundays on UNIVISION. It's challenging! : D

  11. sometimes i watch a little bit in the employee cafeteria because some people watch it on the tv....but I try not to....u can easily get hooked and with my working schedules and shifts no bueno!


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