¿Han oído del compositor y cantante mexicano de canciones de niños Cri-Cri: El Grillito Cantor? Esta semana comparto con ustedes una de sus canciónes mas famosas de cuna que nuestra mamá nos cantaba antes de la hora de dormir.
En caso qué no estén familiarizados con el talentoso Cri-Cri, era conocido, no solo por su voz y imaginación vibrante, si no también por qué podia imitar la canción de los grillitos.
En caso qué no estén familiarizados con el talentoso Cri-Cri, era conocido, no solo por su voz y imaginación vibrante, si no también por qué podia imitar la canción de los grillitos.
¿Otra cosa, cuándo fue la ultima vez, qué usted cantaba una canción sin ponerle atención a lo qué cantaba? Les digo qué estoy un poco sorprendida con "La Patita."
Solo me tomo cuarenta años entenderle las letras. o_O
¿Que piensan?
La patita de canasta y con rebozo de bolita
va al mercado
a comprar todas las cosas del mandado
(Se va meneando al caminar, como los barcos en altamar).
La patita va corriendo
y buscando en su bolsita
para darles de comer a sus patitos
porque ella sabe
que al retornar
toditos ellos preguntaran
(qué me trajiste, mamá cuac cuac, qué me trajiste cuaracuacuac)
La patita (como tú)
de canasta y con reboso de bolita (como tú)
se ha enojado (¡como tú!)
por lo caro que está todo en el mercado
(como no tiene para comprar, se pasa el día en regatear)
Sus patitos
van creciendo y no tienen zapatitos
y su esposo
es un pato sinvergüenza y perezoso
que no da nada para comer
y la patita pues qué va a hacer
cuando le pidan
(coman mosquitos, cuaracuacuac)
Have you heard of the Mexican composer and singer of children's songs Cri-Cri: The Little Singing Cricket? I share with you one of his most famous lullabies that our mother used to sing to us before bedtime, "The Little [Mama] Duck."
In case you're not familiar with the talented Cri-Cri, he was not only known for his voice and colorful imagination, but also because he could mimic the sound of crickets.
When was the last time you sang a song without really paying attention to the words? I have to tell you, I'm a little surprised with "The Little Duck."
In case you're not familiar with the talented Cri-Cri, he was not only known for his voice and colorful imagination, but also because he could mimic the sound of crickets.
When was the last time you sang a song without really paying attention to the words? I have to tell you, I'm a little surprised with "The Little Duck."
It only took me forty-years to understand the lyrics of this song. o_O
What do you think?
The Little [Mama] Duck
Mama duck, in a head-shawl, and carrying a basket
goes to the store
to do her shopping
(she hobbles as she walks, like the ships at high sea)
Mama duck is running
and searching in her purse
for pennies
to feed her baby ducks
because she knows
as soon as she returns home
they'll ask her
(what did you bring, mom quack-quak, what did you bring me quackity-quck-quack)
Mama duck (like you)
with basket and head-shawl (like you)
has gotten angry (like you)
because of how expensive everything is at the store
(because she has no money to buy, she spends her day haggling)
Her baby ducks
are growing and have no shoes
and her husband
is a rascal duck, a sloth
who doesn't give then anything to eat
so what's the mama duck to do
when they ask him
he'll answer
(eat mosquitos, quackity-quack-quack)