Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are You Sleeping With Your Smartphone?

Sleeping With Your Smartphone by Leslie A. Perlow
(Burlington, MA -- Barnes & Noble)
Look at what I stumbled on while perusing the new non-fiction at B&N this morning. LMAO over this one, partly because of how ridiculous the title sounds, but also because this shamefully applies to me. Just add some rizos to this wackadoodle and replace the Blackberry with the iPhone.

Apparently I'm not the only one ailing from cell phone separation anxiety. Here's my explanation: I reason that if the phone's on the nightstand, should there be an emergency in the middle of the night, you know the kind that involves a house fire, or no electricity, it's within arm's length.

Let's be real. The temptation is too hard to resist. Pinterest. Twitter. Work email. Personal email. Facebook. Da blog. You know what I'm talking about.

Me thinks it's time to set some boundaries. Sorry, Chulo, but it's time to move you across the room.

What do you say? Are you enraptured by your smartphone?

p.s. I have this habit of taking pictures of books and uploading them to Evernote for archiving. It's helpful for when I'm not in the mood to buy but want to archive (without adding to Goodreads). Call me eccentric. :-)


  1. I'm also connected for most of the day but my family demands my time with them so I can't get away with it. lol #ForeverOnline

  2. LOL I forget the cell phone not as attached to it as I am to the laptop or Camera.

  3. Guilty. Smartphone on my nightstand every night; last thing I look at before I sleep and first thing I check when I awake. Call me a junkie :p

  4. OMG GUILTY!!!! sometimes it even works as a sleepaid....especially when I begin to read Sofias blog, that works wonders #evil. love u!

  5. LMAO -- Luv you, too. A ver si comenta algo nuestra amiguita, Sofia! #soevil

  6. We're all bad! I was just wondering the other day what we did with ourselves when we DIDN'T have cell phones. It's all a blur. *lol*

  7. How many feet away from your bed are the laptop and camera at night? Inquiring minds want to know. :p

  8. Good for them! I can't get away with much on the computer, it's too bulky to conceal. #stealthmode :-)

  9. I am GUILTY! My phone is my alarmclock so I sleep with it on the nightstand and YES the temptation is too overwhelming! Guess I should buy an alarm clock and give my phone a break!

  10. Bohemian BabushkaJune 1, 2012 at 8:17 AM

    Babushka's still part of the "dumbphone" crowd, but the day is coming soon for change.
    Thanks for the heads up. BB2U

  11. BB, it might be a blessing in disguise! Although, I have to say, some days I wonder how we all survived before the advent of the mobile phone. Hope your wish comes true, soon! xoxo


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