Monday, May 9, 2011

JUST FOR FUN: Video -- teAch me hOw 2 stUdy


  1. I love it when kids take pride in good grades and studying. Thanks for sharing the video.

  2. And thanks for adding my badge. :)

  3. This is great! I love to see kids being creative but passing on good messages like this. The pressure for some kids to NOT do well in school is difficult to overcome.

  4. Medeia, you're welcome!

    Tracy, I know. It's sad. The future holds limited possibilities for them, if they don't figure out that success in life won't come easy.

  5. Awesome! So good to see a positive message about studying and making good grades. I remember when I was in school it was "un-cool" to be smart. I hope things have changed since then.
    I remember one day I was talking with a "friend" of mine and we were talking about our kids. She was telling me how her child was excelling in baseball and basically all things sports oriented. I told her how great that was and that maybe he would end up being a pro baseball player one day. I continued on saying how my son had little interest in sports (he was 4 at the time) and always wanted to draw or talk about the planets. She said, "do you think he is going to be a nerd?" Maybe she did not mean anything by it, but her tone gave me the impression a "nerd" was a bad thing. I replied with, "oh, I will love it if he is a nerd! Maybe he would end up being your son's boss one day" It just slipped out. I couldn't hold it in. Honestly, her comment upset me a little, but it's all good now. The more I thought about it the more I realized, I want my child to be happy and educated. Education is the key!
    Great video!

  6. Tara, I love nerds. The real nerds I went to high school with, the sometimes socially awkward, science-math club kids are now software engineers calling the shots are big companies. Good for them! I'll support my son in whatever career he wishes to pursue. Today, he wants to be a snow plower, tomorrow he may want to be a vet. I don't care, as long as he gets his education.

    Bet your friend didn't realize she was being offensive in what she said. You got your point across, though, loud and clear.

    Thank you for watching the video and for commenting! My son loves to watch it, too. : )

  7. Yes, i'm going to show this to my son! I want him to realize it is "cool" to study, learn and make good grades!


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