Friday, July 1, 2011

Visitamos El Museo de Descubrimiento Científico |
We Visited The Science Discovery Museum

Hace dos semanas, descubrimos un tesorito cerca de nuestra casa, cuando nuestro hijo fue invitado a una fiesta de cumpleaños en El Museo de Descubrimiento Científico en Acton, MA. No les puedo decir cuanto me allegro verle sus expresiónes cambiar mientras exploraba los experimentos encontrados allí.


A couple of weeks ago, we discovered a little treasure near our home, when our son was invited to a birthday party at The Children's Science Discovery Museum in Acton, MA. I can't tell you how happy it made to watch his expressions change as he explored the experiments found there.

Yo siempre he amado las ciencias, dos en particular: la astronomía y la biología. Las estrellas, los planetas, el cuerpo humano y la microbiología son temas qué me atraen la atención con la maravilla y el misterio de su creación.

De niña, me encantaba acostarme en el la hierba en cuanto bajaba el sol. Allí, rodeada de grillos, me ponía a contar las pequeñas luces que alumbraban la oscuridad. Soñaba y me preguntaba, "¿Existera vida en los otros planetas?"

¿Quien sabe? Si no hubiera tenido tanto problema con las matemáticas (tengo una cabeza bien dura), quizás ahora seria una científica. ; )


I've always loved the sciences, two in particular: astronomy and biology. The stars, planets, the human body, and microbiology are subjects I'm drawn to for the marvel and mystery of their creation.

As a little girl, I used to love to lie on the grass as soon the sun set. There, surrounded by crickets, I'd count the tiny stars that lit up the darkness. I'd dream and wonder, "Is there life on other planets?"

Who knows? Had math not been such a challenge for me (I have a really hard head), maybe I'd be a scientist today.

En este video, Junior trata de dispersar un tornado.
Here's a video clip of Junior trying to disperse a tornado.

Me daban ganas de estirarme en la alfombra y pasar la tarde estudiando este techo.
I had the urge to sprawl on the carpet and study this ceiling.

Hmmmm ... ¿a ver qué hace esta valvula?
Hmmmm ... let's see what this valve does ...

Pienso qué el deseaba un escape de agua.
I think he secretly hoped it would spring a leak.

Mira abajo (en rojo) lo qué descubri buscando la palabra "leak" en Span¡shD!ct

Look below (in red) at what I found while looking for the word "leak" in Span¡shDict!



1. (in bucket) (in pipe) (in roof) (in ship) (familiar)

      agujero (m) fuga (f) , escape (m) gotera (f) vía (f) de agua

  • to take or ->
  • have a leak -> echar una meadita (británico) << Ezzy: literally means to throw a little pee (spring a leak!) ... yes, I'm juvenile ... what can I say?

Estas canicas enomes rojas y azules me hicieron pensar de la pelicula Frankenstein del año del caldo. Esperaba qué en cualquier momento hiban a soltar electricidad.

These red and blue enormous marbles reminded me of that old black and white Frankenstein movie.
I expected electricity to come out of them at any moment.

Roaaaaar!!! Dinosaurios ...
Roaaaaaar!!! Dinosaurs ... ; )

Exactamente lo qué necesitamos en nuestra casa.
Las esplosiónes se ven bien divertidas.
En serio.

Exactly what we need at home.
The explosions look like loads of fun.

¿Sabian qué Albert Einstein tenía dislexia? ¡Sí! Albert Einstein. Mi amiga Chantilly fue la qué me entero de eso cuando le dije qué me hijo había sido diagnosticado con lo mismo.

Did you know Albert Einstein had dyslexia. Yes! Albert Einstein. My friend, Chantilly was the one who told me when I shared that my son had been diagnosed with the same.


Palabras Que Voy a Estudiar Esta Semana:
  1. También= also
  2. Allí = there (NOT "Ahi" -- er -- like the fish ... ¡mensa!)
  3. Quizás = sometimes
  4. Ojalá = hopefully
Sabían que "tenia" (n) = tapeworm   mmmmm...


  1. Wow!! Such a cool museo! Your boy is super lucky and looks like he had a lot of fun while learning. I like the tornado video.

    ...leak... jijiji....

    Feliz finde, Ezzy! Espero que pases bien con tu familia!

  2. What a funky looking building. I love things that are different and I also enjoy science. I love reading about new discoveries. I love when peeps use their brains. lol

    Bella Vida by Letty
    Have a great weekend.

  3. What an awesome museo Ezzy!!!!!! Wish we lived closer because my son and I would love something like this as well.

    I love the video and I hope you'll blog about one of the experiments you or you and your son do out of the book.

    Fun, fun, fun!

  4. Super interesante, yo creo que estos sitios son una buenísima opción, ya que despiertan la curiosidad en los pequeños, jamas se me habría ocurrido hacer una fiesta de cumpleaños en un museo de ciencia, yo creo que a mi hija le fascinaría visitar un lugar así, siempre tan llena de curiosidad y de querer descubrir cosas nuevas.

  5. What fun! Looks like this museum is filled with some of the wonders of science. You made me LOL with your definition of "leak" and with your admission about liking explosions! Your son will have lots of fun making explosions (but will his abuela?!? LOL--I think you may have a good sitcom episode in the making!)

  6. @Latinaish Gracias! Yes, we're having a great weekend. I have to tell you that I couldn't stop laughing when I looked up "leak." We have some colorful language in Spanish, for sure. ; D

    @BellaVida The inside of this building was like a tree-house with lots of secret passages that went off into their own little exhibits. The ceiling was my favorite.

    @Tara I bet there's got to be a museum like this near you. This one is in my backyard, literally. Yes, we're actually trying to pick one for Spanish Friday. Maybe a video. ; )

    @Ely, estoy de acuerdo. Me dio buenas ideas para cuando comience a planear la proxima fiesta para mi hijo. Sí da mucha felicidad ver los chicos hacer descubrimientos. Ojalá que encuentres un museo come este cerca de ti. ; D

    @Jen You know it! Believe it or not, abuelita is a partner-in-crime. *LOL* One of the many things I've enjoyed about participating in Spanish Friday is learning these colorful phrases. There a just some wonderful things you can do with Spanish that are simply impossible with English.

  7. I adore science. My first major was biology before I changed it to psychology and English. I was wretched at certain science classes and couldn't stick it through.

    I love finding a good science museum.

  8. Adriana, vamos cuando quieras ; p

    Medeia, me too. Biology and advanced biology were my favorite subjects in high school. Then math happened. o_O

  9. This is so cool Ezzy! I love these kinds of places! We don't have one in town, but there is an awesome children's museum in Omaha, not too far away, that is very much like this. She loves it there! Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I love to see all the pictures! :)


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