Sunday, December 11, 2011

Procrastination and Writing a Lit Review (This is so me!)

Wish I weren't clutch. o_O

Examining the representation of ELL students in alternative education programs relative to the population,
but must first learn of the challenges ELLs face, e.g. lack of teacher multicultural training, attitudes, poverty ...

My Bible <3


  1. That video is also familiar to me, amiga--except where are the fighting children? and husband asking where something is? Between the procrastination and interruption, it's amazing any papers ever get written by moms in school! I hope it goes well and you get it written, Ezzy. Your topic fascinates me (though I suspect your conclusion won't be surprising...) Please let me know how it goes. I'd love to hear all about it. I promise: you can speak all the edu-babble you want and my eyes won't glaze over (the way my husband's do when I finish writing a paper and I want to talk about all the ideas in my head.) Best of luck and BIG HUGS xoxo

  2. Jen, I was cracking up when she got up to fold that pile of laundry that was burning a hole in the back of her head. Tell me that doesn't happen to you, too. Inconsequential things all of the sudden need immediate attention ... like the drop of soda that dried on a tile across the room that suddenly needs wiping up, or the son's sock drawer that needs rearranging. What is that?! Also seems that my attention span for real intense and concentrated reading of dense material has diminished over the years ... or maybe it's because I'm so tired by the time I get to it? I sympathize with you completely, you have more interruptions!

    This research project has been a real eye-opener. Starting with the poverty statistics (and how many are children of immigrants), the overrepresentation of ELLs (minorities in general) in special education and how few, like 2% of teachers are adequately trained to teach academically enriching ELL content to the fastest growing student population in this country. One rock that gets turned over leads to another, and another.

    One thing's for sure. Learning a lot. Love it. : )

  3. Hola amiga, wishing you a wonderful new year filled with happiness. I'm so glad we made a connection via our blogs. I hope school is going great. I can't wait to read more blog posts about your journey.

  4. Gracias, Letty! Igualmente, Amiga. I feel blessed that we stumbled on each other's blogs through Adriana. Six degrees of separation, Baby! I hope to make it down to Miami soon and would love it if we had a chance to meet up. Happy New Year! xoxo


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