Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Platicamos de Esperanza Renace [Las Papayas]
Nooooo! Que desgracía. Bandidos asesinaron a el papa de Esperanza. Y no solo a él, sí no también mataron a los rancheros que lo ayudaban arreglar un cerco. La pobre niña despierta pensando que oye a su papa cantandole la mañanitas, pero pronto se recuerda de lo que sucedió la noche anterior.
Para Esperanza, todo parece una pesadilla. La caja de Papayas olorosas que llega por la mañana casi la hacen llorar por que sabe que su papa la había ordenado para la ensalada de papaya, coco y limón que Hortensia le iba a preparar para su quinceañera. El ultimo regalo que abre ella es de una muñeca que su papa le había comprado para sus cumpleaños.
Para hacer las cosas peor, el tío asqueroso de Esperanza, Luis, le hizo una propuesta de matrimonio a su mama. Pronto descubren ellas que aunque se puedan quedar en la casa que les dejo el papa, al tío Luis le toca la tierra donde crecen las uvas (por que no es costumbre en ese tiempo dejarle la tierra a las "mujeres!") Imaginanse ... que injusticia.
Ni puedo ver a los tios de Esperanza en pintura. Son unos oportunistas, corruptos que solo se interesan del dinero y poder. Ojala que les caiga una vaca en la cabeza.
Termina el capitula con Miguel decidendole a Esperanza que su familia se va ir a los E.U. a trabajar, por que,
"Mi Papá y yo perdimos la fe en nuestro pais. Aquí nacimos sirvientes y no importa lo duro que trabajamos, siempre seremos sirvientes ... En Estados Unidos el trabajo es duro, pero al menos tenemos la oportunidad de ser algo más que sirvientes."En todo esto, Esperanza se ha dado cuenta que Miguel ha cambiado. A ver que pasa la proxima semana! : )
Algunas Palabras Nuevas ...
acontecimento = event
emboscada = ambush
abrumador(a) = overwhelming
sollozar = to sob
pésame = sympathy/condolences
luto = mourning
hebilla = buckle
crispar = to set on edge
escaramujo (mi nueva palabra favorita!) = Dog Rose
ovalado = oval
cálida = hot
vuelco = to overturn
rubor = blush/embarrassment
Leemos el capítulo de LOS HIGOS para el proximo lunes!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Loving Life ...
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Driving through Harvard Yard at Harvard Square in Cambridge. |
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Running late for class, como una loca! Some things haven't changed. *LOL* |
The two professors I've met, so far, are high-energy and entertaining, making huge chunks of class time fly by. For that I'm grateful! And my fellow comrades are from all walks of life and cultures, some who will be going back to their countries after they've earned their M.Ed. Many of us are facing similar challenges with having to juggle busy schedules, family life, etc.
I'm registered for three classes this semester: Intro to Counseling, Counseling in Schools and a tri-semester Proseminar, where we study research methods and write an independent research paper on a topic of our choice. At the moment, I'm in search of a pre-practicum site, as I need to shadow a licensed School Guidance Counselor for 75-hours. Plus I need to take and pass the MTEL before I can do my first practicum/internship. It feels awesome being back in a learning environment, meeting new people and working toward a goal. Kind of like chewing on a thick steak!
More to follow.
Life is good, challenging, but good.
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The leaves are turning! |
Saturday, September 24, 2011
SPANISH FRIDAY: Canciones Inolvidables | Unforgettable Songs
He andado como una loca los ultímos días. Mi marido anduvo de viaje al mismo tiempo que yo comencé la escuela. Ay! Pensé que iba perder mis canicas. *Un suspiro* (Tengo que decirles que amo él programa que escogí, mis maestras, y aprender de los otros alumnos. Ya no estoy nerviosa!)
Antes de irme a clase esta mañana, quería compartir unas canciones méxicanas que me traen muchos recuerdos. Con toda la platica en el internet sobre el dia de la independencia de mexico la semana pasada, me pusé a tocarlas. Paloma Negra (Lola Beltran) y Cucurrucucu Paloma (Pedro Infante) son dos de ellas.
Buscandolas para este post, encontre estas de Lila Downs. Me enamoré de su voz y se me partio el alma oírla cantar Paloma Negra.
La comparto con ustedes. : )
I've been like a crazy woman the last week. My husband was traveling the same time I started school. I thought was going to lose my marbles. *deep breath* (I have to tell you that I love the program I chose, the teachers, and learning from the other students. I'm not nervous anymore!)
With all the talk on the web the last week about Mexican Independence Day, I got the urge to listen to some songs that brought back a lot of memories. Paloma Negra (Lola Beltran) y Cucurrucucu Paloma (Pedro Infante) are two of them.
Looking for them, I found some songs by Lila Downs. When I heard and saw her sing Paloma Negra-Black Dove, my soul split in two.
Ya me canso de llorar y no amanecer
Ya no se si maldecirte o por ti rezar
Tengo miedo de buscarte y de encontrarte
Donde me aseguran mis amigos que te vas
Hay momentos en que quisiera mejor rajarme
Arrancarme ya los clavos de mi penar
Pero mis ojos se mueren sin mirar tus ojos
Y mi cariño con la aurora te vuelve a esperar
Y agaraste por tu cuenta la parranda
¿Paloma negra, paloma negra dónde, dónde andarás?
Ya no jueges con mi honra parrandera
Si tus caricias han de ser mías, de nadie más
Y aunque te ame con locura ya no vuelvas
Paloma negra eres la reja de un penar
Quiero ser libre vivir mi vida con quien yo quiera
Díos dame fuerza que estoy muriendo
por irlo a buscar
I no longer know whether to curse you or pray for you
I'm afraid to look for you and afraid to find you
Where my friends have told me that you've gone
At times I feel like relinquishing the fight
And ripping out the claws that cause my pain
But my eyes are dying without looking into yours
And my affection returns to wait for you at dawn
And you decided on your own to find a party
Black dove, black dove where are you?
Stop playing with my honour, party boy
Your caresses must be mine, and no one else's
And though I love you madly, don't come back to me
Black dove, you're the bars on this cage of suffering
I want to be free and live my life with whom I choose
Lord, give me strength for I'm dying
to go find him
And you decided on your own to find a party
I'm afraid to look for you and afraid to find you
Where my friends have told me that you've gone
At times I feel like relinquishing the fight
And ripping out the claws that cause my pain
But my eyes are dying without looking into yours
And my affection returns to wait for you at dawn
And you decided on your own to find a party
Black dove, black dove where are you?
Stop playing with my honour, party boy
Your caresses must be mine, and no one else's
And though I love you madly, don't come back to me
Black dove, you're the bars on this cage of suffering
I want to be free and live my life with whom I choose
Lord, give me strength for I'm dying
to go find him
And you decided on your own to find a party
Monday, September 19, 2011
Platicamos de Esperanza Renace [Aguascalientes y Las Uvas]
Que cuento tan tierno y agridulce.
ESPERANZA RENACE no es solo para jovenes.
Me enamoré desde el principio con la inocencia de Esperanza, la hija de Ramona y Sixto Ortega, que cuando abre el capítulo Aguascalientes, México, 1924 en El Rancho de las Rosas, solo tiene seis años. La conocemos al momento que su papa le enseña como sentir el latido de la tierra y entendemos en ese momento que para su familia los vides son una extensión de ellos mismos.
En el siguiente capitulo UVAS, le toca a Esperanza, como hija única de sus padres cortar el primer racimo de uvas para señalar el comienzo de la cosecha, y espera con expectación sus amigas que vienen a celebrar su quinceañera. Otros personajes importantes que conocemos son:
- La Abuelita de Esperanza, una señora elegante que le gusta leerles poemas a los pajaritos;
- Hortensia, el ama de llaves y su esposo Alfonso, el capataz de los trabajadores y el mejor amigo del papa de Esperanza;
- Miguel, el hijo de Hortensia y Alfonso, con quien Esperanza se quería casar cuando era niña, pero que después dice que "entre ellos corría un profundo río";
- Los hermanos mayores del papa de Esperanza que no me cayeron muy bien: Luis y Marco, hombres que "amaban el dinero y el poder más que la gente."
Me quede con ganas de llorar cuando terminé de leer LAS UVAS. Todo va cambiar para esta niña. A ver como se desarrollan las cosas.
¿Que pensaron ustedes cuando Esperanza se pinchó el pulgar? Predico la muerte de su papa? Que les gusto más de los dos primeros capítulos? Menos? Se les dificulto leerlo? A mi si! Pero aprendí muchas palabras ...
Algunas palabras nuevas...
vides = vine
zarcillo = tendril
oruga (not to be mistaken with arruga-wrinkle!) = caterpillar
adinerado = wealthy
paja = straw
cuyos = whose/which
lagar = winepress
sin embargo = however
pulgar = thumb
cesta = basket (yo solo conocia la palabra "canasta")
baúl = trunk
cosecha = crop/harvest
crepúscolo (my new favorite word!) = twilight/dusk
Leemos y discutimos ESPERANZA RENACE por capítulo. La siguiente semana discutiremos LAS PAPAYAS. : )
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Second Grade Class Rules
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Kindergarten class from a couple of years ago. Love the tennis balls! |
Life is good. Previous years have not been so easy. We'll see how long we can keep it up. : )
Anyways, he came home last week with this set of Second Grade Class Rules that I absolutely loved. They sound simple, but really, think of how much conflict we encounter that is the result of disrespect and general unkindness that seems to have become the status quo.
I should probably mention that we send him to a small Christian school, in case you're surprised to see "God" mentioned once or twice.
Second Grade Class Rules
WE LOVE AND OBEY GOD because He first loved us.
We obey the teacher quickly, quietly and with a good attitude because she loves us.
We love to learn and are not afraid to try new things.
We consider one another's interests ahead of our own.
We speak quietly and respectfully.
We raise our hands and wait to be called upon in class.
We listen to one another! We DO NOT talk when someone else is speaking.
We do not hurt one another with unkind words or deeds.
When someone needs correction, we correct him in love.
When someone is sorry, we forgive them. When someone is sad, we comfort him. When someone is happy, we rejoice with him.
We do all things without complaining, grumbling or arguing.
We take good care of the things God has given us.
We do not create unnecessary work for others.
We ask thoughtful questions when we do not know something.
We accept the teacher's discipline when we disobey any of these rules.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sorteo del Libro Esperanza Renace -- Ganadoras!
Esperanza Rising Book Drawing -- Winners!
Felicitaciones, Shirley y Tara! Favor de mandarme sus direcciónes de correo a ezzylanguzzi@yahoo[punto]com.
Sí no recibo respuesta para el miercoles, escogeré de nuevo.
Gracias por su participación. A leer! : D
Enlances A Los Posts Que Siguieron
Barnes & Noble
CURIOUS GEORGE Takes on the Arts
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Curious George® & © 2011 Universal Studios and/or HMH. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PBS KIDS (R) Public Broadcasting Services |
We loved the six new episodes that both entertained and gave us several ideas for "do-it-at-home" crafts, activities, and science projects. Every now and then while viewing them, my son would give the we-have-to-try-that look.
"The Arts are actually a great vehicle to teach kids about science, engineering and math," said WGBH Executive Producer Dorothea Gillim." With this new season, kids will be inspired to dance, sculpt and paint along with George, and they'll also come away with knowledge of important STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math] concepts."
Following are two clips and descriptions for today's episodes:
DESCRIPTION: "In 'Sock Monkey Opera," when Betsy gets the chicken pox and can't see her favorite opera, Hansel and Gretel, she sends George in her place. George loves the opera so much, he decides to cheer up Betsy by performing for his itchy friend. But how can one little monkey sing, dance and act for an entire cast of characters?"
As a mom, I love that George's innocent, improvisational and inquisitive nature have remained unchanged, from the monkey my son came to know and love as a toddler. Watching these episodes reminded me not only of the importance of educational programming for young minds, but also that George has not lost his appeal to an almost nine-year-old boy, who still enjoys watching him get into trouble. Half-way through viewing these, he waved the empty DVD case and asked, "Can you get me the rest?" By "rest," I learned he meant "previous seasons." Guess I have some homework to do!
If you have have little ones, or even if they're older, be sure to check out Curious George's new misadventures on PBS Kids, September 5-7, 2011 (check local listings). Our favorite episode was "Hamster Cam," where Hoagie, the hamster, wears a tiny webcam and escapes into the city. The hamster is too cute for words and George saves the day! : )
Also, don't miss out on the re-airing of Curious George Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, September 19-21, 2011. More to come.
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Curious George® & © 2011 Universal Studios and/or HMH. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PBS KIDS (R) Public Broadcasting Services |
Monday, September 5
"Auctioneer George
"Sock Monkey Opera"
"Sock Monkey Opera"
Tuesday, September 6
"Hamster Cam" : ) LOL
"The Great Monkey Detective"
"The Great Monkey Detective"
Wednesday, September 7
"George and the Giant Thumb
"Shutter Monkey"
"Shutter Monkey"
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Curious George® & © 2011 Universal Studios and/or HMH. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PBS KIDS (R) Public Broadcasting Services |
Monday, September 19
"George's Super Subway Adventure"
"Well Done, George"
"Well Done, George"
Tuesday, September 20
"George and Marco Sound It Out"
"A Monkey's Duckling"
"A Monkey's Duckling"
Wednesday, September 21
"Auctioneer George"
"Sock Monkey Opera"
"Sock Monkey Opera"
Thursday, September 22
"George's Home Run"
"Monkey on Ice"
"Monkey on Ice"
Friday, September 23
"Mother's Day Surprise"
"Jungle Gym"
"Jungle Gym"
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Nuestra colección. Es imposible no amar este changito. Our personal collection. It's impossible to not love this little monkey. |
I submitted my name to Latina Bloggers Connect and was selected to preview these episodes, which I was allowed to keep. This post is my entry into a random drawing to receive $75.00.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Lo Que Pasa | What's Happening
La Escuela -- School
Primero una confesión. Me quería esperar hasta que estuviera el 100% segura, pero me parece que estar 99% segura es suficiente. No puedo esperar mas! Sí todo va bien, comienzo mi maestría en educación el 20 de septiembre.
La verdad es que me pasé unas cuantas noches despierta como tecolote, indecisa entre dos carreras: orientación psicológica o ingles como segundo idioma.
Por fin, escogí la escuela de orientación psicológica por que siento con todo mi corazón que mi experiencia y temperamento me servirán bien en ayudar estudiantes explorar diferentes carreras.
Les contaré mas despues. : 0)
First a confession. I wanted to wait until I was 100% sure, but I think being 99% sure is enough. I can't wait anymore! If all goes well, I start my M.Ed. on September 20th.
I spent a few sleepless nights torn between two career tracts: guidance counseling or English as a Second Language (ESL). Finally, I chose guidance counseling because I feel that that my experience and temperament would serve me well in being able to help students explore career options.
More to come.
El Huracán Que No Fue -- The Hurricane That Wasn't
Afortunadamente, lo mas grave que paso en mi pueblo cuando llego Irene fue que el viento tumbo unos cuantos arboles y lineas electricas. Tenemos suerte que las lineas en mi vecindad son subterráneas. Otros vecinos no tuvieron la misma suerte y todavía les hace falta la electricidad.
Fortunately, the worst thing to happen in my town when Irene came was that a few trees and electrical lines got knocked down. We're lucky that my neighborhood's lines run underground. Other neighbors weren't so lucky and are still without electricity.
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El viento tumbo dos arboles en nuestra yarda. The wind knocked down two trees in our yard. |
Oranizando -- Organizing
Soy unas de esas mamas que aguarda todo lo que hace su niño en la escuela. Todo. Tomamos ventaja del tiempo que pasamos adentro y bajamos de la pared todas las obras de arte que mijo hizo en el primero grado. Ahora estamos listos para el segundo grado. : )
I'm one of those moms who saves everything her child makes at school. Everything. We took advantage of some of the time spent inside and took down all my son's artwork from the walls. Now we're ready for the second grade. : )
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Arte del primer grado. First-grade art. |
Las Aventuras de Cookie Languzzi
Se nos escapo el hamster bionico. Bueno, esa no es la verdad completa ... a Mami se le olvido cerrar la jaula bien y el hamster hizo lo que cualquier animalito enjaulado haria -- huyó. Anduvo libre por casi veinte-y-cuatro horas. (Gracias Tracey por los tips!)
Por fin mi esposo lo vio de la esquina de su ojo mientras el se cambiaba de ropa (mi esposo no el hamster). El pobre Cookie andaba peleando con las pelusas en mi recamara. No estaba muy feliz cuando lo regrese a su casita.
Ahora miralo en esta foto. Es mi imaginación o me esta echando el mal de ojo?
Our bionic hamster escaped. Well, that's not totally true ... mom forgot to lock the cage and the little furry guy did what any caged animal would do -- he fled. He was free for twenty-four hours. (Thanks Tracey for the tips!)
Finally my husband saw him from the corner of his eye while changing his clothes (my husband, not the hamster). Poor Cookie was in my bedroom fighting with the dust-bunnies. He wasn't too happy to go back to his little house.
Now look at him. Is it my imagination or is he giving the evil-eye?
Por fin mi esposo lo vio de la esquina de su ojo mientras el se cambiaba de ropa (mi esposo no el hamster). El pobre Cookie andaba peleando con las pelusas en mi recamara. No estaba muy feliz cuando lo regrese a su casita.
Ahora miralo en esta foto. Es mi imaginación o me esta echando el mal de ojo?
Our bionic hamster escaped. Well, that's not totally true ... mom forgot to lock the cage and the little furry guy did what any caged animal would do -- he fled. He was free for twenty-four hours. (Thanks Tracey for the tips!)
Finally my husband saw him from the corner of his eye while changing his clothes (my husband, not the hamster). Poor Cookie was in my bedroom fighting with the dust-bunnies. He wasn't too happy to go back to his little house.
Now look at him. Is it my imagination or is he giving the evil-eye?
Mira Lo Que Me Llego Esta Semana!
Mijo y yo estamos disfrutando la nueva serie que comienza en PBS Kids el 5 de septiembre con "Auctioneer George" y "Sock Monkey Opera."
También recibí un libro en español y cinco episodios que estan programados a comenzar el 19 de Septiembre y que celebran El Mes de la Herencia Hispana con Jorge y su amigo, Marco.
Compartira mas el lunes.
Nota: Presenté mi blog a Latina Bloggers Connect por que mijo y yo somos fans de Curious George. Opiniónes aquí son solo las mias. Tres blogueras seran escogidas en un sorteo para recibir $75.00.------
Look at what I got in the mail this week! I submitted my blog to Latina Bloggers Connect for the chance to have an advanced screening of Curious George's sixth (and new) season, where he takes on the arts and "explores, painting, sculpture, music, dancing and more ... "
My son and I are enjoying the new series that starts on PBS Kids September 5th with "Auctioneer George" y "Sock Monkey Opera."
I also received a book in Spanish and five episodes that are scheduled to start September 19th in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, featuring George and his friend, Marco.
I'll be sharing more on Monday.
Cinco Palabras Esta SemanaNote: I submitted my blog to Latina Bloggers Connect for consideration because my son and I are fans of Curious George. Opinions here are my own. Three bloggers will be chosen in a random drawing to receive $75.00.
Involucrar = get involved in
Mal de ojo = evil eye
Subterránea(o) = underground
Vecindad = neighborhood
Preestreno = pre-screening

Participo en Spanish Friday, la invención de Tracey Lopez de, para practicar y mejorar el idioma de mi ninez. Soy Mexicana nacida en los E.U. Ingles es mi segundo idioma.
I participate in Spanish Friday, the invention of Tracey Lopez at, to practice and improve the language of my childhood. I'm a Mexican born in the U.S. English is my second language.
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