Saturday, September 24, 2011

SPANISH FRIDAY: Canciones Inolvidables | Unforgettable Songs

He andado como una loca los ultímos días. Mi marido anduvo de viaje al mismo tiempo que yo comencé la escuela. Ay! Pensé que iba perder mis canicas. *Un suspiro* (Tengo que decirles que amo él programa que escogí, mis maestras, y aprender de los otros alumnos. Ya no estoy nerviosa!)

Antes de irme a clase esta mañana, quería compartir unas canciones méxicanas que me traen muchos recuerdos. Con toda la platica en el internet sobre el dia de la independencia de mexico la semana pasada, me pusé a tocarlas. Paloma Negra (Lola Beltran) y Cucurrucucu Paloma (Pedro Infante) son dos de ellas.

Buscandolas para este post, encontre estas de Lila Downs. Me enamoré de su voz y se me partio el alma oírla cantar Paloma Negra. 

La comparto con ustedes. : )


I've been like a crazy woman the last week. My husband was traveling the same time I started school. I thought was going to lose my marbles. *deep breath* (I have to tell you that I love the program I chose, the teachers, and learning from the other students. I'm not nervous anymore!)

With all the talk on the web the last week about Mexican Independence Day, I got the urge to listen to some songs that brought back a lot of memories. Paloma Negra (Lola Beltran) y Cucurrucucu Paloma (Pedro Infante) are two of them.

Looking for them, I found some songs by Lila Downs. When I heard and saw her sing Paloma Negra-Black Dove, my soul split in two.

I share her with you. : )

Ya me canso de llorar y no amanecer
Ya no se si maldecirte o por ti rezar
Tengo miedo de buscarte y de encontrarte
Donde me aseguran mis amigos que te vas
Hay momentos en que quisiera mejor rajarme
Arrancarme ya los clavos de mi penar
Pero mis ojos se mueren sin mirar tus ojos
Y mi cariño con la aurora te vuelve a esperar
Y agaraste por tu cuenta la parranda
¿Paloma negra, paloma negra dónde, dónde andarás?
Ya no jueges con mi honra parrandera
Si tus caricias han de ser mías, de nadie más
Y aunque te ame con locura ya no vuelvas
Paloma negra eres la reja de un penar
Quiero ser libre vivir mi vida con quien yo quiera
Díos dame fuerza que estoy muriendo
por irlo a buscar

Lyrics to Black Dove
I'm tired of weeping and yet there's no sign of the sun
I no longer know whether to curse you or pray for you
I'm afraid to look for you and afraid to find you
Where my friends have told me that you've gone
At times I feel like relinquishing the fight
And ripping out the claws that cause my pain
But my eyes are dying without looking into yours
And my affection returns to wait for you at dawn
 And you decided on your own to find a party
Black dove, black dove where are you?
Stop playing with my honour, party boy
Your caresses must be mine, and no one else's
And though I love you madly, don't come back to me
Black dove, you're the bars on this cage of suffering
I want to be free and live my life with whom I choose
Lord, give me strength for I'm dying
to go find him
 And you decided on your own to find a party


  1. OMG! I love the song Palmona Negra. I had never heard it before until today, but I LOVE it and the lyrics!! Thanks for sharing. Yay on starting school. Very happy for you. I've missed you. Looks like we've both had a busy week. Take care amiga. Looking forward to the next Esperanza Ranace post. Abrazos!

  2. Tara, I love this song, too. If you get a minute, listen to Cucurrucucu, too. These two songs always take me back to my childhood and my father playing his "discos" into the wee-hours. I discovered that Lila Downs is going to be coming to Boston in February! I'm going, baby. I've missed everybody the last couple weeks. I need to get my new routine down and SLEEP. Un beso, amiga.

  3. Amiga, me encanta Cucurrucu Paloma! A mi hijo de vez en cuando le digo currucucu. Que poder tiene la música en nuestra vida, no?


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