La Escuela -- School
Primero una confesión. Me quería esperar hasta que estuviera el 100% segura, pero me parece que estar 99% segura es suficiente. No puedo esperar mas! Sí todo va bien, comienzo mi maestría en educación el 20 de septiembre.
La verdad es que me pasé unas cuantas noches despierta como tecolote, indecisa entre dos carreras: orientación psicológica o ingles como segundo idioma.
Por fin, escogí la escuela de orientación psicológica por que siento con todo mi corazón que mi experiencia y temperamento me servirán bien en ayudar estudiantes explorar diferentes carreras.
Les contaré mas despues. : 0)
First a confession. I wanted to wait until I was 100% sure, but I think being 99% sure is enough. I can't wait anymore! If all goes well, I start my M.Ed. on September 20th.
I spent a few sleepless nights torn between two career tracts: guidance counseling or English as a Second Language (ESL). Finally, I chose guidance counseling because I feel that that my experience and temperament would serve me well in being able to help students explore career options.
More to come.
El Huracán Que No Fue -- The Hurricane That Wasn't
Afortunadamente, lo mas grave que paso en mi pueblo cuando llego Irene fue que el viento tumbo unos cuantos arboles y lineas electricas. Tenemos suerte que las lineas en mi vecindad son subterráneas. Otros vecinos no tuvieron la misma suerte y todavía les hace falta la electricidad.
Fortunately, the worst thing to happen in my town when Irene came was that a few trees and electrical lines got knocked down. We're lucky that my neighborhood's lines run underground. Other neighbors weren't so lucky and are still without electricity.
El viento tumbo dos arboles en nuestra yarda. The wind knocked down two trees in our yard. |
Oranizando -- Organizing
Soy unas de esas mamas que aguarda todo lo que hace su niño en la escuela. Todo. Tomamos ventaja del tiempo que pasamos adentro y bajamos de la pared todas las obras de arte que mijo hizo en el primero grado. Ahora estamos listos para el segundo grado. : )
I'm one of those moms who saves everything her child makes at school. Everything. We took advantage of some of the time spent inside and took down all my son's artwork from the walls. Now we're ready for the second grade. : )
Arte del primer grado. First-grade art. |
Las Aventuras de Cookie Languzzi
Se nos escapo el hamster bionico. Bueno, esa no es la verdad completa ... a Mami se le olvido cerrar la jaula bien y el hamster hizo lo que cualquier animalito enjaulado haria -- huyó. Anduvo libre por casi veinte-y-cuatro horas. (Gracias Tracey por los tips!)
Por fin mi esposo lo vio de la esquina de su ojo mientras el se cambiaba de ropa (mi esposo no el hamster). El pobre Cookie andaba peleando con las pelusas en mi recamara. No estaba muy feliz cuando lo regrese a su casita.
Ahora miralo en esta foto. Es mi imaginación o me esta echando el mal de ojo?
Our bionic hamster escaped. Well, that's not totally true ... mom forgot to lock the cage and the little furry guy did what any caged animal would do -- he fled. He was free for twenty-four hours. (Thanks Tracey for the tips!)
Finally my husband saw him from the corner of his eye while changing his clothes (my husband, not the hamster). Poor Cookie was in my bedroom fighting with the dust-bunnies. He wasn't too happy to go back to his little house.
Now look at him. Is it my imagination or is he giving the evil-eye?
Por fin mi esposo lo vio de la esquina de su ojo mientras el se cambiaba de ropa (mi esposo no el hamster). El pobre Cookie andaba peleando con las pelusas en mi recamara. No estaba muy feliz cuando lo regrese a su casita.
Ahora miralo en esta foto. Es mi imaginación o me esta echando el mal de ojo?
Our bionic hamster escaped. Well, that's not totally true ... mom forgot to lock the cage and the little furry guy did what any caged animal would do -- he fled. He was free for twenty-four hours. (Thanks Tracey for the tips!)
Finally my husband saw him from the corner of his eye while changing his clothes (my husband, not the hamster). Poor Cookie was in my bedroom fighting with the dust-bunnies. He wasn't too happy to go back to his little house.
Now look at him. Is it my imagination or is he giving the evil-eye?
Mira Lo Que Me Llego Esta Semana!
Mijo y yo estamos disfrutando la nueva serie que comienza en PBS Kids el 5 de septiembre con "Auctioneer George" y "Sock Monkey Opera."
También recibí un libro en español y cinco episodios que estan programados a comenzar el 19 de Septiembre y que celebran El Mes de la Herencia Hispana con Jorge y su amigo, Marco.
Compartira mas el lunes.
Nota: Presenté mi blog a Latina Bloggers Connect por que mijo y yo somos fans de Curious George. Opiniónes aquí son solo las mias. Tres blogueras seran escogidas en un sorteo para recibir $75.00.------
Look at what I got in the mail this week! I submitted my blog to Latina Bloggers Connect for the chance to have an advanced screening of Curious George's sixth (and new) season, where he takes on the arts and "explores, painting, sculpture, music, dancing and more ... "
My son and I are enjoying the new series that starts on PBS Kids September 5th with "Auctioneer George" y "Sock Monkey Opera."
I also received a book in Spanish and five episodes that are scheduled to start September 19th in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, featuring George and his friend, Marco.
I'll be sharing more on Monday.
Cinco Palabras Esta SemanaNote: I submitted my blog to Latina Bloggers Connect for consideration because my son and I are fans of Curious George. Opinions here are my own. Three bloggers will be chosen in a random drawing to receive $75.00.
Involucrar = get involved in
Mal de ojo = evil eye
Subterránea(o) = underground
Vecindad = neighborhood
Preestreno = pre-screening
Participo en Spanish Friday, la invención de Tracey Lopez de, para practicar y mejorar el idioma de mi ninez. Soy Mexicana nacida en los E.U. Ingles es mi segundo idioma.
I participate in Spanish Friday, the invention of Tracey Lopez at, to practice and improve the language of my childhood. I'm a Mexican born in the U.S. English is my second language.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting amiga! Congratulations on your new career path. It sounds perfect!!! I can't wait to hear more about it. I know you will be awesome.
OMG! Look at your tree. I had no idea you experienced some of Irene's wrath! I'm assuming none fell on your house...
I love your son's artwork!!!! I save all of my son's too. I'm curious as to how you store it? I have no idea how to properly store it. As of now I have it in folders and boxes. What do you do?
Oh Cookie is most definitely giving the "evil eye" lol! Glad he is safe!
We love Curious George too! That package looks awesome! Enjoy!
Abrazox to you and your linda familia amiga!
Thank you, Tara! I'm both excited and nervous. Can't wait to start. For the artwork, I place everything by year in its own Coleman container. It's the only way for me to keep the 3-dimensional pieces from getting crushed. A good friend of mine made a great suggestion a few years ago: take pictures of everything and place those in albums. I may someday be able to do that, but for now I like being able to touch it all. Do you keep his schoolwork, too? I do. *LOL* Our son's school has him keep everything in a binder. I think when he grows up, he'll appreciate having it. ; ) ... Curious George rocks.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you, Ezzy! Can't wait to hear all about your learning journey. I'm with Tara--I know you will be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you made it through Irene okay. Hurricanes are so scary! I am thankful that you and your family didn't have to deal with the aftermath of mother nature's exhibition of power. Hope you can replace your trees and nurture some new life in your yard.
Your son's artwork is beautiful! No wonder you keep it all :-) We don't have room for all of my kids' work, but I keep those that are most precious to me in what I call my "Keep it Forever" box. Unfortunately, my box is overflowing! I plan to buy 3 large Rubbermaid totes--one for each child--so that I can expand my Keep it Forever collection and keep it organized. Kids make so many wonderful memories.
Cookie and Curious George are two of a kind, Ezzy! Both seem set on having adventures, whether they plan them or not ;-)
Wow, good luck to you on your new adventure. Que te vaya bien y disfrutes mucho. Can't wait to read all about it on the blog.