Friday, November 25, 2011

SPANISH FRIDAY: ¿Quién No Patinaba? Who Didn't Skate?

Hace poco, mi'jo fue invitadó a una pista de patinaje para una fiesta de cumpleaño. Fue su primera vez en patines ... y le encantó (aunque le dije que tenia que ponerse su casco).  Al principio, se tambaleaba, como sí aprendia a caminar, pero pronto no quiso agarrarse de su papí y patino solito! Se independizo.

Antes de llegar a la pista, decidí que yo no iba intentar ponerme patines. ¿Estaba loca? Nunca me gustaron los patines de linea, y hacía mas de treinta años que no andaba a patín de rueda. Ay ... treinta. Estaba segura que me mataba.

Y luego paso algo. A ver mi'jo patinar bajo de las luces intermittentes con la musica Top 40 tocando al fondo, se me llenó la cabeza de memorias de cuando mis hermanas y yo ibamos a Holiday Skate Rink, una pista en Orange, CA, donde las chicas se vestían de Chemin de Fers y tube tops, y se untaban lipgloss de fresa o bubble-gum en los labios. En esos días, mis padres nos dejaban allá por la mañana y nos recogían por la tarde.

En el verano, cuando no andábamos en la pista, las tres patinábamos por la banqueta en frente de nuestra casa y alrededor del negocio de mis padres. Vivíamos en nuestros patines. Siempre con una radio a la mano. Nada nos hacia falta. Nos teníamos las unas a las otras, nuestros patines, y la musica. : )

Los patines de mis sueños ...
siempre quisé un par como estos con ruedas de color de rosa!

Photo Source:

Canciones de los 70s y 80s ... : )

Una pelicula de patinaje que me encantó ...

Mijito ... <3

Recently our son was invited to a birthday party at a roller skating rink. It was his first time on skates and he loved it (even though I told him he had to wear his helmet). At first, he wobbled, as if he learned to walk, but soon, he didn't want to hold on to his father and skated solo. He declared his independence.

Before arriving at the rink, I'd decided that I wasn't even going to attempt putting on skates. Was I crazy? I never liked roller blades and it had been more than thirty years since I'd been on roller skates. Geesh ... thirty. I was certain I'd kill myself.

And then something happened. At watching my son skate under the flashing lights with Top 40 Music playing in the background, my head flooded with memories of when my sisters and I used to go to a rink in Orange, CA called Holiday Skate Rink, where girls wore Chemin de Fers and tube tops and applied strawberry or bubble-gum lipgloss to their lips. In those days, my parents would drop us off in the morning and pick us up in the afternoon.

In the summertime, when we weren't at the skating rink, my sisters and I spent our days skating on the sidewalk in front of our house and around my parents' business. We lived in our skates. Always with a radio nearby. We didn't want for anything. We had each other, our skates and music.


  1. You bring back so many memories for me, Ezzy! The rink near my house was too far for my parents to take us regularly, so we went from basement to basement in friend's houses. An unfinished basement was our best friend. We'd listen to those same songs as 45s on our little record player from Sears. Good times! Coincidentally, I just went roller skating with my daughters at a Girl Scout event. They played 2 songs that were "parents only" and the rink was filled with people reliving their youth; it was a BLAST! Thanks for sharing this fun roller skating story, my friend! I hope your son enjoyed it as much as we all used to :)

  2. How fun! It's been forever since I've put on some skates and showed my skills! I know I'd kill my self out there now.... I have yet to take my son just because I'm not sure I can skate like I use to. You've given me the inspiration to give it a try!

    My best friend and I use to go every Friday night! This post brought back some sweet memories. Thanks amiga.

    So glad your family had fun!

  3. Such a cool post! I still love roller skating. I'm going to ask Santa for a new pair. lol ;)


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