Friday, June 17, 2011

EL DÍA "E": Mi Palabra Favorita en Español

Decidi hacer algo un poco diferente para Spanish Friday esta semana. ¡Mi primer vlog!

Le doy las gracías a mi amiga Leslie Limon de Motherhood in Mexico por haber me mandado ayer los linqueros a El DÍA E. El Dia E es una fiesta mundial de todos los qué hablamos español qué cay el 18 de junio. ¡Qué celebración tan chevére!

Amo el español, el idioma de mi niñez con todo mi corazon. Es por eso qué la estoy estudiando y practicando.

Aquí les dejo mi palabra favorita en español. Solamente decirla me trae una sonrisa. Hasta ahoy aprendi qué se escribe con una "h" y no con una "o." ; )

Mi Palabra Favorita es ...

Tiene usted una palabra favorita en español?

I decided to do something a little different for my Spanish Friday this week. My first vlog!

A big thank you to Leslie Limon over at Motherhood in Mexico for having sent me the links to EL DÍA E, yesterday.

EL DÍA E is a global celebration for spanish-speakers that falls on June 18th. A celebration for my childhood language -- I can't think of anything cooler than that. Por favor visitenlos y miren los videos inspirantes qué se encuentran ahí.

I love Spanish, the language of my childhood, with all my heart. It's for that reason that I'm studying and practicing it.

Here I leave you with my favorite Spanish word. Simply saying it brings a smile to my face. It wasn't until today that I learned it's spelled with an "h" not an "o."

Video Translated

My favorite Spanish word is "ant."

The ant is a marvelous insect that can carry up to fifty times it's weight in its mouth. If a tiny ant can accomplish so much, what might we be able to accomplish ourselves?



  1. Ezzy!! I love it! ... I loved seeing you and hearing your voice - and the positive message that you gave with your word was fantastic!

    Feliz Día E y Spanish Friday! :)

  2. YAY! Ay amiga! No sabes el gusto que me da que hayas participado en nuestra celebracion de El Día E. I think you did a fantastic job. And I love your word and the great message behind it. :)

    I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and added your link to the Linky on my blog. :P

  3. Hi I am Eliana and I am also participating at the Dia E 2011 celebration, great job, I love hormigas , they are very inspiring :) LINDO ACENTO!

  4. Haha! That was too cute! Love the video! This is too cool! ;)

  5. we have so much to learn from Las Hormigas!! they are very persistent and hard working little creatures..

  6. Que creativa respuesta a la pregunta! Tienes razon... la hormiga es un animalito del cual pudieramos aprender muchas cosas.

  7. Ezzy,
    You are so beautiful amiga! Oh, and I loved your description of an "hormiga".... Sometimes I feel like an Hormiga when I'm at work...LOL
    Seriously though, loved your vlog! Great job!

  8. Ezzy es muy cierto! El mensaje y la palabra "Hormiga" son inspiradores!

  9. Ezzy, this morning my husband left for work and then called me seconds later to tell me that there were thousands of ants marching along our garage door. I think 'hormiga' must be our palabra del día too!

  10. This brought such a smile to my face!!!!! What a beautiful vlog!!! Well done!

    Un Abrazo,

  11. Great word and means a lot, but hormigas are not welcome in my house :)

  12. Yay! Hiciste muy felices a las hormigas! Jajja! Y me hiciste sonreir a mi. Animo con seguir practicando el español....lo hablas muy bien!

  13. Encantada de conocerte Ezzie! Your video is so nice and love your word ;)

  14. @Tracy Gracías! If not for Spanish Friday, I probably would've never pushed outside my comfort zone.

    @Leslie Thank you for giving me the heads-up, amiga. Love your voice. I was serious about the visit, too. *LOL*

    @Chantilly I wish your computer hadn't crashed. I was looking forward to seeing and hearing you, hermana. Y gracías.

    @Eliana "Hormigas" will always remind me of El DÍA E. ; )

    @Maybelline We could learn a thing or too from these little industrious creatures: teamwork and persistence.

    @Juan Gracías. Ay qué estudiar las hormigitas qué inspiran tanto. : )

    @Tara I'm so glad you found your grabadora. Gracías, amiga.

    @Shirley Agradezco su palabras amables.

    @Jen Maybe las "hormigas" are an omen of something?

    @LaLicienciada Li, gracias! I enjoyed yours, too. You made me laugh.

    @Mama Contemporanea They're not welcome in mine either!

    @Ana Muchas gracías. Me dan tanto problema los verbos iregulares. Mi mama me corrige diario. Un "beso." ; D

    @Dariela Igualmente! Muchisimas gracías. ; D

  15. Hola, Ezzy! Esa es una palabra bastante original, aunque realmente no me gustan las hormigas, está increíble lo que hacen, no?

  16. Learned a lot about ants! A cool and different choice! gracias for sharing.

  17. omg love seeing your face...hearing your voice how fabulous.

  18. Hi E! It was cool to hear you voice on the video.

  19. It was so nice to watch your vlog.

    And ants are awesome.

  20. ¡A mí también me encantan las hormigas! Genial la manera como le diste un mensaje positivo.

  21. Me parece muy interesante que te guste esa palabra. Yo adoro el español y no sé si me podría decidir por una palabra en específico. Pensé participar en EL DÍA E pero al final no me pude decidir por una en particular. :D


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