Friday, June 10, 2011

¡Vamos a la Playa! ... ¿ó No?

Ayer nos pasamos un día muy interesante. La escuela de mi niño planea cada fin de año un día en la playa. Nosotros nunca habíamos participado y estabamos bien animados. Invite una amiga, una de las otras mamas pensando qué juntas no nos podíamos perder (yo me pierdo bien facile!)

Bueno. Hasta con direcciónes y navegación electronica, nos perdimos por mas de una hora en el bosque a causa de un desvío en el camino. Anduvimos por unas carreteras tan desiertas qué me imaginaba qué un hombre desfilado de mascara y arrastrando una sierra de cadena iba brincar de atras de un arbol. o_O

Hacer las cosas peor, casi se nos acababa la gasolina (se me había olvidado llenar el tanque cuando salimos de la ciudad). Mensa.

Por fin, sí llegamos (con la ayuda de un angel), y solo con una hora para qué jugaran los chicos.

¿Creen qué casi a la hora se nubló el cielo y tuvimos que irnos antes qué comenzara a llover?

Qué suerte tuvimos.

No fue el día ideal, pero si fue una aventura. Tanto qué se quedo dormido mi niño a las seis de la noche.

Let's Go to The Beach ... Or Not?

We had an interesting day, yesterday. Our son's school plans a day at the beach at the end of every school year. We'd never participated in the past, so we were really excited. I invited one of the other mom's thinking that together, we wouldn't get lost (I get lost really easily!)

Well. Even with directions and a navigation system, we got lost for more than an hour in the forest because of a detour. We travelled roads so deserted that I imaged a masked man, dragging a chainsaw would jump out from behind a tree. o_O

To make matters worse, we were about to run out of gas (I'd forgotten to fill the tank when we left the city). Duh.

But we got there (with the help of an angel), and only with an hour for the boys to play.

Can you believe that almost to the hour, the sky clouded over and we had to leave before it started to rain?

It wasn't the ideal day, but it was an adventure. So much so that our son was asleep by six o'clock.


  1. an hour is not too bad ;)
    the best thing about it is you can try again. have an awesome weekend.

  2. Lol! Amiga, that is so cute! Hubby and I get lost in new places, even with directions. Anyway, at least you made it and the niños got to play for a bit. Lol...this is such a cute post!

  3. Girl,I'm right there with ya, I'm the WORST with directions! I get lost even with those GPS system thingys! Loved your pictures. Even if it was only for an hour, it looks like your son had a great time!

  4. Adriana, si, we're going to try it again. Hopefully there won't be a roadblock next time! *LOL*

    Chantilly/Tara, saben, I'm exactly the same. I get lost every where. Good thing I don't have a problem asking for directions. On this trip, we used the navigation system and it took us off-roading. Even with the scary detour, my girlfriend and I had some good "bonding" time and the boys chattered the whole way. Parecían perricos! The angel I mentioned was the park ranger we ran into who ended up getting lost trying to lead us to the beach. : D

  5. I've had adventures due to getting lost or poor weather.

    My GPS helps me 99% of the time. With that 1%, I don't know who's wrong or what happened.


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