Saturday, June 4, 2011

Una Receta de Aguacates con Tomates

La Cocina de Leslie

¿Quien no ha tratado de copíar una receta qué al fin ha salido como un desastre? *levanta la dos manos*

Me atreví esta semana de hacer unas de las recetes qué he admirado por varías semanas en el blog de La Cocina de Leslie (Leslie Limon).

Sí no conocen a Leslie, por favor vayan y visitenla en su blog. Es una chica bien creativa de california qué decidío mudarse a mexico con su marido. Escribe de todas las aventuras de su familía en su otro blog Motherhood in Mexico.

Esta es la receta que hize:

Escogí esta receta por los aguacates (¡los amo!). Como todas las otras recetas qué se encuentran en el blog de Leslie, esta solo requiere unos cuantos ingredientes. Fue por eso y por la simplicidad de las direcciónes qué me dieron las ganas de hacerla.

Lo unico que se me dificulto fue sacarles los canijos huesos a los aguacates. Fotos de los huesos rodando en el piso y de mis ojos llorando por qué se me olvido lavarme las manos despues de haber limpíado los chiles, no se encuentran. : )

Estoy orgullosa ... ¿Verdad que no me salío mal?

A Recipe with Avocados and Tomatoes

Who hasn't tried to copy a recipe only to have it come out like a disaster? *raises both hands*

This week, I attempted to make one of the recipes I've admired for several weeks at Leslie Limon's blog Leslie's Kitchen.

If you don't know Leslie please go over and visit her blog. She's a really creative chick from California who decided to move to Mexico with her husband. She writes about all her family's adventures at her other blog Motherhood in Mexico.

Following is the recipe I made:

I picked this recipe because of the avocados (I love them). Like all the other recipes on Leslie's blog, this one only calls for a few ingredients. It was because of that and the simplicity of the directions that I got the urge to try it.

The only thing I had trouble with was taking the darn seeds out of the avocados. Pictures of the seeds rolling around on my floor and of my eyes watering because I forgot to wash my hands after having cleaned the chiles are not found here. : )

I'm proud ... it didn't come out bad, did it?


  1. You did awesome! It looks really good. I LOVE avocados too! I wish I had some of this in front of me right now.... Now I'm craving it! Well done!
    Oh, and I learned that lesson about washing your hands really good (or even wearing gloves) when you cut chiles... I rubbed my eye after cutting them and thought my eye was going to come out! OUCH

  2. Ezzy, I think you did a great job, amiga! Looks delicious! Heck, it's 11:30pm and I'm now craving aguacates. :P

    I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten to wash my hands after handling chilies. But I think I've finally learned my lesson. I now make sure to wash my hands and under my nails with plenty of soap and baking soda. Works like a charm. :)

  3. Haha! This is so cool! And OMg! That recipe looks awesome! Great job amiga! Parece riquisima! These photos are so cool's like we get to be insiders. ;)

  4. @Tara Thank you! What I didn't mention was that I rubbed by nose and got some of the stuff around one of my nostrils. I think that was worse than my eyes. Won't be doing that again. *LOL*

    @Leslie Gracias, for the recipe and the baking soda tip. I don't work with hot peppers very often, that's usually my mom. I'll be more careful next time. If I get the nerve up, I'll take a stab at making that rainbow cake of yours that's total eye-candy. <3

    @Chantilly It tastes so good. And I'm serious, the lime totally makes it. I love tart. I thought about Vblogging it, but am glad I didn't. Those darn huesos were all over the place and my hands looked like I was making guacamole with them : )

  5. One of my favorite restaurants has a tomato, avocado, cheese sandwich. Hmmm...I should go there soon. I haven't been there in a while.

    The salsa looks delicious.

  6. @Medeia, that sounds good ... What kind of cheese???

  7. Que rico! You did good.

    I wish I had some avocados. The tree in my backyard is full but they won't be ready for another few months.

    Bella Vida by Letty
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


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